Chili Cookoff Partners

Cook-Off partnership packages offer maximum exposure before, during and after the event. Click each partnership’s interactive link for a full description of the benefits package.


Title Partner


The (your company name) Puerto Vallarta Chili Cook-Off
Or words of your choosing to similar effect.

Only one Title Partnership is available


Presenting Partner


The Puerto Vallarta Chili Cook-Off Presented by (your company name)
Or words of your choosing to similar effect

Only one Presenting Partnership is available


Cashless Ticketing Partner


Your company on the wristbands.

Attendees will use their wristbands to pay for food and drink.

One Cashless Ticketing Partnership is available.


VIP Zone Partner


The VIP area will be named the (Your Company Name) VIP Zone: Atlantis.

The VIP area is behind the main stage with a covered setting, pool, and cash bar.

One VIP Zone: Atlantis partnership is available.


Main Stage Partner


The area will be named the (your company name) Main Stage Or words of your choosing to a similar effect.

Only one Main Stage Partnership is available.


Amigo Partner


4 Amigo Partnerships are available.